Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Criminal Victimization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criminal Victimization - Essay Example In facts these impacts can change the very life-styles of people with permanency and therefore it has to be ensured that justice is always correctly administered. This issue has therefore been discussed and analyzed here in a generalized manner but with logical arguments and counter arguments to convince with justification the following view points. (Callie Marie Rennison, Ph.D. and Michael R. Rand, BJS Statisticians, August 2003, Criminal Victimization 2002, U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics) The United States Department of Justice summary findings state that twenty three million of their residents over the age of twelve years were criminally victimized in 2005. The breakup of these twenty three million crimes according to the National Crime Victimization Statistics show that 77 percent or eighteen million were subjected to property crimes; 22 percent or five million two hundred thousand were subjected to violent crimes and one percent or two hundred twenty seven thousand to personal theft crimes. Further fatalistic figures show that in the same year for every one thousand residents again over the age of twelve years one rape or sexual assault was committed, one assault with injury was committed and three robberies were committed per every one thousand persons. ... (Bureau of Justice Statistics, Criminal Victimization) Background to Criminal Victimization While the above statistics when brought to attention may appear to be somewhat alarming, especially in view of the post nine-eleven tragedy which have bared nerves to their very cores. This together with the continuous setting off of alarm bells by the administration on the pretext of homeland security against terrorism; these statistics still are in sync with the averages on criminal victimization trends that have set in over the past many years. Assertion When these statistics are compared internationally, their analytic figures prove to be amongst the extreme highs. It therefore has become difficult to assess as to why in a country perceived to be the land of opportunities where the most advanced educational facilities, technologies and social welfare systems are available, this fatalistic criminal phenomena has been able to become so deeply embedded in our societies. Arguments Can it be that the taking of our highest standard of civil liberties so much for granted by our citizens rendered them as meaningless and of such less importance that its true value has value has somehow been lost Or could it that too much of independence and excessive freedom under the impression of living amongst the most advanced and modernized societies of the world started to degenerate our family and humanistic values more and more. The evidently visible overflowing riches which we have yet do not appreciate because we were born with them, leaves much more for us to think over so that we can once again be thankful for who and what we are and begin to contribute for the well being of humanity. The

Monday, February 10, 2020

American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

American History - Essay Example tilize the division and hatred that existed at the time within the halls of power in Europe to advance the nascent position that the United States engendered.1 As a case in point, Washington and others actively courted France and sought to curry favor within the halls of French power as a means of securing both financial and military support during and after the American Revolution.2   So great was the level of love displayed for the French during this time that citizens of the newly formed United States sought to divorce themselves fully of nearly every attribute and facet that connected them to England.   Again, although Nicole makes a valuable point with regards to the extent that Washington sought to distance the United States from European squabbles that so often devolved into far flung imperial wars, he was not opposed to massaging the other side of the issue and seeking to work shared distaste, distrust, and hatred for England towards his, and the nation’s,